Cara mengatasi pop-up Google Chrome Your profile could not be opened correctly. Some features may be unavailable.

Ketika membuka google chrome muncul pop-up error seperti ini “Your profile could not be opened correctly.  Some features may be unavailable.  Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents."

Problem Cause:  Ada yang corrupt di Google Chrome profile data.



  1. Quit Google Chrome.
  2. Open Terminal.
  3. Change directory (cd) to /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default
  4. Delete Web Data and History files:  rm -rf History*; rm -rf Web\ Data;
  5. Start Google Chrome and the error should be gone.

Windows 7

  1. Quit Google Chrome.
  2. Open Computer.
  3. Navigate to C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
  4. Delete the file named “Web Data”
  5. Start Google Chrome and the error should be gone. 

Windows XP

  1. Quit Google Chrome.
  2. Open Computer.
  3. Turn on Show Hidden Files and Foldesr in Folder Options in Windows Explorer.
  4. Navigate to: C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
  5. Delete the file named “Web Data”
  6. Start Google Chrome and the error should be gone. 


  1. Quit Google Chrome.
  2. Open a shell.
  3. Change directory (cd) to ~/.config/google-chrome/Default
  4. Delete the file named “Web Data”:  rm -rf Web\ Data;
  5. Start Google Chrome and the error should be gone.

NOTE: If the problem repeats itself after every reboot, then there is most likely corruption is your user profile, so you will have to delete the profile and start a new one. In order to do that, follow the above steps, and replace step 5 and 6 with the following. Make sure that you backup your bookmarks before doing this, as they are a part of your profile and will disappear after doing this:

5. Locate the folder called "Default" in the directory window that opens and rename it as "Backup default."
6. Try opening Google Chrome again. A new "Default" folder is automatically created as you start using the browser.

Sumber :

BGP Lab Mikrotik

Berikut Topologinya:

=====konfigurasi R1=====
system identity set name=R1
ip address add interface=ether1 address=
ip address add interface=ether2 address=
ip address add interface=ether3 address=

routing bgp instance set default as=65001

routing bgp network add network=
routing bgp peer add name=to_R2 remote-address= remote-as=65002
routing bgp peer add name=to_R3 remote-address= remote-as=65003

=====konfigurasi R2=====
system identity set name=R2
ip address add interface=ether1 address=
ip address add interface=ether2 address=

routing bgp instance set default as=65002

routing bgp peer add name=to_R1 remote-address= remote-as=65001
routing bgp peer add name=to_R3 remote-address= remote-as=65004

=====konfigurasi R3=====
system identity set name=R3
ip address add interface=ether1 address=
ip address add interface=ether2 address=

routing bgp instance set default as=65003

routing bgp peer add name=to_R1 remote-address= remote-as=65001
routing bgp peer add name=to_R4 remote-address= remote-as=65004

=====konfigurasi R4=====
system identity set name=R4
ip address add interface=ether1 address=
ip address add interface=ether2 address=
ip address add interface=ether3 address=

routing bgp instance set default as=65004

routing bgp network add network=
routing bgp peer add name=to_R2 remote-address= remote-as=65002
routing bgp peer add name=to_R3 remote-address= remote-as=65003


OSPF Lab using Mikrotik

Berikut topologinya :

Untuk Router_Mikrotik
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether1
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether2
[admin@router] > routing ospf instance add name=ospf1
[admin@router] > routing ospf area add name=area1 instance=ospf1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1

Untuk Router_Mikrotik_2
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether1
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether2
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether3
[admin@router] > routing ospf instance add name=ospf1
[admin@router] > routing ospf area add name=area1 instance=ospf1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1

Untuk Router_Mikrotik_3
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether1
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether2
[admin@router] > routing ospf instance add name=ospf1
[admin@router] > routing ospf area add name=area1 instance=ospf1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1

Untuk Router_Mikrotik_4
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether1
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether2
[admin@router] >ip address add address= interface=ether3
[admin@router] > routing ospf instance add name=ospf1
[admin@router] > routing ospf area add name=area1 instance=ospf1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1
[admin@router] >routing ospf network  add network= area=area1


Filtering Mac-address dan STP Root Guard di berbagai vendor Switch

Berhubung saya nggak bisa tidur dan nanti harus kerja lagi, daripada kalau ketiduran nanti kebablasan, untuk mengisi waktu saya coba nulis aja deh tentang mac-filtering.

Mungkin untuk teman-teman yang kerja di ISP dan terkoneksi ke IIX AP*** seringkali kesulitan atau menemukan masalah saat ganti router BGP nya (atau mungkin pindah port), peer ke IIX nya jadi down. Padahal router BGP yang baru (port yang baru) sudah dikonfig sama persis dengan router / port yang lama. Sebenarnya kenapa sih?

Yuk, kita flashback sebentar.
Sebelum melakukan peering ke IIX biasanya ISP harus mengirimkan MoU ke NOC IIX. MoU ada di Di MoU, pada bab persyaratan teknis, point ke 6 tertulis seperti ini : 



敬爱  敬爱
伟大 的 ALLAH
一次爱 为我终身
ISLAM 是 来 爱的真相

Cisco [IOS] VS [JunOS] Juniper Command

Bagi yang biasa pegangannya adalah perangkat Cisco, mungkin teman-teman akan bingung ketika tiba-tiba dihadapkan untuk konfigurasi perangkat Juniper, atau begitu juga sebalikanya. Susah bagi network engineer untuk bisa menghafal semua command di setiap perangkat yang berbeda-beda produsennya. Untuk mempermudah, berikut saya tampilkan perbandingan Command di Cisco dengan di Juniper. Terima kasih kepada Mas Arif karena saya ambil perbandingan ini dari blog beliau.